2 Years Old

B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia blood cancer
MR, Kashiram Vaidya (Father of son krushna) Work on daily wages. His Wife is a home maker. He is the only sole- earner in the family and has a fix income of 60,000/- per annual. They are a 4 Member Family for Daily Livelihoods. His son is Dignosed with B-Cell ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA (ALL)BLOOD CANCER for Which he is Dignosed with 8 Chemotherapy already operate the baby but the diseases is recurring he is unable to afford his Son’s Medical expenses Estimate Total Cost of Treatment Rs.4.50.000/-
Baby Boy KRUSHRA VAIDYA is a 2 year old by Child Suffering From recurring B-CELL ACUTE LEUKEMIA (ALL)BLOOD CANCER. He is Getting Treated in K.E.M. Hospital in Mumbai. The Baby Boy has already gone to 8 per Doctor Advices it’s a recurring diseases. This diseases needs to get Surgery timely.
Krushna Vaidya Father has already exhausted with all his Saving and eve taken loan for the baby’s 8 Chemotherapy. Now he is unable to afford his SONS Medical expenses. We Request you Please come Forward to Support This Baby and Help us Make an impact in the Life of That Baby boy Request you Please come Forward to Support This Baby and Help us Make an impact in the Life of That Baby boy,
DREAM’S SOCIAL FOUNDATION Organization which works for Education, Health & Nutrition, Orphan children’s other than this work for early symptoms causes & other that are responsible for cancer &Other major disease.


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Child Dreams Social Foundation

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Child Dreams Social Foundation